Tulsa Wellness Exams.
X-Rays & Diagnostics Hospital
Here at Paw Prints Veterinary Hospital we believe that good preventative medicine such as routine examinations, vaccinations and parasite screening is vital to the health of your pets. Although there have been significant advances in veterinary health care, it is better to prevent diseases from occurring in the first place.
Just like humans, pets should have an annual physical examination. This starts with an accurate history of your pets current and previous health information, including past vaccinations, parasite screenings, surgeries and previous illness. Although this can be time consuming the more information you can provide to your veterinarian the better. A good history can save time, effort and money in the diagnostic workup of many medical conditions.
During a routine examination the veterinarian will do a systems assessment, evaluating the overall health of your pet. The veterinarian will check the skin, hair coat, teeth, eyes, and ears. She will listen to the heart and lungs for abnormalities and palpate the pets body for lumps and growths. The veterinarian also observes the gate and movement of your pet during an examination. This overall annual evaluation is where many potential problems can be identified and treated prior to becoming a more serious issue.
No uncomfortable procedures or testing
Our technological arsenal can greatly help your pets feel comfortable during their procedures, such as the Clear Vet DR System by Apexx for digital imaging done within seconds. Your pets won’t dread going to the vet anymore!
• Vetronics diagnostic electrocardiology
• Hematology with Abaxis in-house laboratory
• Surgical / critical care monitoring